
Before Using Google Transfer

Google Transfer is a Google-provided tool. 

 Faculty & Staff leaving the district are NOT permitted to transfer or otherwise copy student data that may be in their Google Drive.

We have no control over how long the transfer process might take. It can possibly take days to complete. We do not have the ability to troubleshoot issues with the transfer process. Allow yourself time for this process to run.

Personal Google accounts are subject to space limitations. Ensure that you have enough free space in your personal Google account to transfer data from your school account. 

You can determine how much data you school account has by clicking here.


Instructions for Using Google Transfer

1) From school Google account, select your account icon, then click Manage your Google Account.

2) Click on Start transfer 


3) Enter the destination (personal) gmail account, then click Send Code

4) From the destination (personal) gmail account, look for and open the email asking to verify the account 

5) Open the email and follow the instructions to Get confirmation code

6) Use the code sent to your personal gmail to enter into your school's gmail account.          (Don't use the code shown in the image - it won't work)   Then click CONTINUE

7) Enter your verification code and click "Verify" or "Resend Code" if you waited too long or  did not get the code.

8) Select what you want to transfer from your school gmail to your personal gmail and then click Start Transfer

9) Read the confirmation that the transfer is being processed

10) When the transfer is complete, you will be notified in your personal gmail account.

11) Transferred emails will appear labeled as such in your personal gmail.

12) Transferred items from the school Google Drive will appear as a folder in your personal Google Drive.