It is strongly suggested that the laptop is fully restarted before testing with LockDown Browser. Really.


Many students have not restarted for weeks or months.  These are often the students who are sent down to tech when their laptop freezes during an exam and much of their work has to be redone. Please. Restart. The. Laptop.

Upon opening LDB for the first time, students will sometimes get a message that LockDown Browser needs permissions to their Downloads folder.  They should allow this access by selecting OK.

If students erroneously select Don't Allow, they will be presented with a message asking them to manually allow.  They can do this themselves. Specific instructions to allow access to the Downloads folder are provided right in the message.

For students who made the wrong choice, this is how to allow access manually.

  1. Apple Symbol 
  2. System Preferences
  3. Security & Privacy
  4. Files and Folders
  5. Enable access to Downloads Folder

1 & 2 Apple symbol then System Preferences

3 Security & Privacy

4 & 5 Find Files and Folders and enable access to the Downloads Folder