Cross-listing allows you to move section enrollments from individual courses (we’ll call these child courses) and combine them into one course (we’ll call this the parent course). 

This feature is helpful for instructors who teach several sections of the same course and want to manage course data in a single course. 

  • Cross-listing should be done while courses are unpublished. Cross-listing after submissions have been made may result in the loss of submissions from the "Child" section. Only people are moved, not "stuff".
  • Teachers are able to Cross-List any of the courses that they are a teacher in themselves.  You do not need to put in a ticket to do this unless you are not comfortable doing it.   
  • If however, you want to Cross-List sections with another teacher, a support ticket needs to be opened to either [email protected] or [email protected]
  • The request should include specific information including what section(s) of what "Child" course are to be Cross-Listed (moved) into what specific "Parent" course. Please cc: any other teacher involved as well.

See the embedded video tutorials below and / or visit the official Cross-Listing Canvas Instructor's Guide for more information.