- Logging in (done)
- Setting Signature and Pin if you haven't already (done)
- Check their info (address, phone number, etc) and make sure it’s correct. If not, they will submit a change form (Coming soon!) pending
- Where to find a post summary PD form (Should be coming to the portal soon!) pending
- A refresher on how to document Pd hours. See if a teacher can help you with this since you don't have this part in your account. done
Logging in to SchoolFi:
You can find the shortcut to SchoolFi from the Pascack.org bookmark folder or by entering this URL in your browser. https://portal.pascack.org
Use your school credentials to login.
Please note: Use your full email address in the User Name field
Setting your SchoolFi Signature and PIN:
Upon logging into SchoolFi for the first time, you will be presented with options to set up One-Time Password Authentication and also a Signature and PIN as shown in the following images.
- Do NOT set up the One-Time Password Authentication at this time
- DO create a PIN and Signature
Closeup of the above image
Documenting PD Hours:
To document PD hours in SchoolFi, go to the Evaluations tab on the Right, then the Professional Development tab on the left. From here, you can add or edit PD records.
Go to Evaluations
Go to Professional Development
Add your PD record
Enter the necessary information and then Save Changes when complete